Initiative: Establish Virginia Aquarium as a Premier Location
- Create flagship experiences that captivate guests with the marvels of aquatic life and inspire repeat visits. | Target date: June 30, 2026
- Improve, update, or replace existing exhibits that are reaching the end of their lifespan. | Target date: June 30, 2026
- Leverage cutting-edge marketing strategies and advanced technological solutions to expand market reach. | Target date: June 30, 2026
Performance Measures
- Attendance (daily, weekly, and seasonal attendance) and engagement.
- Ticket sales/revenue (single, group, and membership purchases).
Initiative: Manage Community Resources Responsibly
- Offer opportunities for community members to volunteer their time, skills, and connect with the Aquarium's mission. | Target date: June 30, 2026
- Cultivate state-level relationships and relevance. | Target date: June 30, 2026
- Contribute to the quality of life for Virginia Beach residents. | Target date: June 30, 2026
Performance Measure
- Number of volunteers and volunteer hours.
Initiative: Conservation Efforts for the Preservation of Species and Ecosystems
- Partner with relevant conservation organizations to maximize our collective impact. | Target date: June 30, 2026
- Raise community awareness about conservation issues and sustainable practices. | Target date: June 30, 2026
- Engage in national and state-level conservation advocacy aligned with our mission. | Target date: June 30, 2026
Performance Measures
- Participation in conservation programs.
- Number of stranding responses.
Initiative: Engagement with Educational Programs
- Deliberately create innovative learning opportunities that foster empathy and inspire collective action. | Target date: June 30, 2026
- Broaden learning opportunities to engage audiences that have not traditionally been reached. | Target date: June 30, 2026
- Encourage greater community participation in outdoor exploration to enhance direct experiences with the natural world. | Target date: June 30, 2026
Performance Measures
- Frequency and attendance (camps/workshops/programs).
- Engagement satisfaction (participant/parent feedback).
Initiative: Foster a Sense of Belonging and Inclusive Leadership in the Department Through two or More Select Milestones
- Creating meaningful opportunities for coworkers to connect. | Target date: June 30, 2026
- Being receptive to alternative ideas & opinions. | Target date: June 30, 2026
- Recognizing the inherent value of employees. | Target date: June 30, 2026
Performance Measure
- Number of activities offered to employees and participation.